I interrupt the regularly scheduled blog posting to bring you this special message.
I haven’t used this blog to rant or post about things going on in the world, but 2 articles I read recently got me thinking about the priorities of the Church and the secular world.
Back in march I posted this:
My answer: God created us to love him, and gave us the ability to have faith in him because of the love he shows us. I do not believe it to be an accident, nor did we adapt to need it.
Well, we are also made to love, serve God, and serve others.
Recently there was a thread on a discussion board, about the new Creation museum in
Here is the article from Yahoo http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070526/us_nm/usa_museum_dc
On the same discussion board some one also posted this article about the search for life on other planets: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18882098?GT1=9951
As I read and even posted to these threads, a thought struck me. What in the heck are we doing? Why in the world is anyone spending money on this stuff?
Let me say here I am all for the rights of the people that opened the museum, and spend their money on alien research. What I don’t get is with all the other stuff going on in the world, couldn’t this money be spent better elsewhere.
In the case of the people who are searching for aliens: 12.5 million donated. Dawkins has said (Paraphrased) we are part of the cosmos and all that is the cosmos is in us, and all that is in us is the cosmos. He also said that we may not want to search for Aliens because when we find them we will not be special anymore. I believe selfishness is driving this. I think these people do not want to believe that there is something or someone greater than themselves, that there is more to live for than the pleasures of this world, and that we are a unique creation in this universe. They do not want to have to think that they will ultimately answer for their actions, so they look for every way to discredit the existence of God or a Creator.
As for the people opening the creation museum (and I do agree with the premise of the museum) they do not get off easy ether. I have to ask the question of the people that opened it. Do you think Jesus would worry about the impact of the museum, or would he rather you act and do as he taught? How far would that 26 million go to stop hunger? I do not know the answers to these questions per say, but I do know that my savior is about serving the poor in spirit and saving the lost. I just do not see how this can be done charging almost 20 dollars a ticket to see what can be read in any bible. I just think that some in the Church are loosing site of “They will know we are Christians by our love.”
For the people looking for aliens they would have to admit there is something bigger and that we are unique, and made to serve others not our own self interests.
For the people who opened the museum: I can not think of one story in the bible where Jesus healed or served someone after he told them the good news of salvation. Love them first then tell them why you love them. Let Jesus change the heart, then you can show them the bible for free, and then they can develop a relationship with God.