Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God works...

I am back...

I haven't posted in awhile, and God obviously had a reason.

I love to write. I love putting words on paper and building a story, or relaying a message. Plus I have always wanted to try writing a book, but never got over the hump of just doing it.

Well for the past 4-5 months the words in my brain dried up. I just couldn't put fingers to keyboard so to speak and get coherent thoughts out. It was frustrating.

God was pushing me. He was forcing me (and this is a whole other post for a later time) to communicate in a different way in an area of my life, that I had been neglecting.


He was setting me up for were I am going now with my writing. Although far from being 100% committed to the project, God has opened doors for me to begin exploring the possibilities of writing a book.

The cool thing is, and I love God for this, he shut down my favorite way to communicate, because he knew the importance of me taking care of the other area of my life (My Marriage) first. As God has pushed me along to fix that, and things have improved, the words are flowing again, and I may get to live out one of my Dreams.

This 4-5 month trial in my life has added to the evidence of my Faith in Christ.

The evidence of how my life has changed since allowing Christ to fill my heart with his Spirit, and the lives of others proves to me there is a God.

Absolute Faith and reliance on something unseen, and seeing results can prove a lot of things to a person that has Faith.

I know it is not easy for people to understand, heck sometimes I don't understand how God can love me without condition. He just does. But as I said the evidence of Faith is the change in my life. I would not have that evidence if I did not believe in my Christ, he is the one that changed me.

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