Friday, November 10, 2006

Has it been a week...

Time has been flying recently. I am traveling allot (I am typing this sitting in the Ft Lauderdale airport on my way home), and every time I turn around, another week is gone.

I am tired that is for sure, but having God guide me through and to lean on has been a huge blessing. This past 10 weeks in DC I have learned allot about who I am and learned some things that I didn't like, and if I don't like them I know God doesn't like them. I have also gotten answers to prayers that I have not expected. The biggest thing for me is to be patient. God seems to be telling me not to rush any decisions. There is alot that he and I need to work on together in my life. So I wait, and pray, and the weeks pass. But I am more in love with my God today than I ever have been in my life. My heart is wide open to learning more about my relationship with God, and I pray that the spirit continues to put the fire in my heart.

MV Week 10:

Hebrews 4:12

For Gods word is alive and active. Sharper than any double edge sword, penetrating even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Active he is in my life.

I think I need a good game of Clue JR. with my wife and daughter.

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