Thursday, August 30, 2007

When will I be normal?

I have not typed about my nephew Justin on this blog. He was in a bad car accident the Sunday before Memorial day, and sustained a serious closed head brain injury.

After 4-5 weeks in Intensive care, and 6 weeks at Frazier rehab he has made it home.

One of the things he expressed that he wanted to do was to start studying the bible. My mother in law, mentioned it to my wife. I prayed about it and offered to help.

Well now Tuesday nights I will meet with Justin for 1 hour. 20-30 Minutes will be spent working with his Nintendo DS with Brain Age, and 20-30 minutes reading the bible and talking about it.

This paragraph from my testimony will frame what we talk about.

God allows and knows I will fail, but he sacrificed His Son for all of us, so that we can get back up looking for Him to help us. He also gives us the power of the Spirit to enable us to succeed in overcoming our sin nature. When we succeed He celebrates with us, and is proud of us. I am now privileged to have a relationship that allows me to walk in the Light of the Word, confident in the salvation of Jesus Christ.

I also asked him, what is the one question that I can pray about for him, and ask God to help him answer. His answer, "When will I be normal?" I know God heard the question, and I pray that as Justin and I through our study start to unravel that question for him.

God I pray that you give me the guidance to help Justin. The wisdom to teach him about you and how much you love him. Help me through my experiences show him how to build a relationship that relies completely on you. Help me be a workman that correctly handles your word of truth.

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