Monday, October 09, 2006

Understanding a hard week...

I have realized why it was hard this week. God is challenging me to go deeper than just talking the talk. You can talk the talk and walk the walk. But your walk talks louder than your talk talks. (Did I get it right Greg?)

The Spirit can be in me but does it work in me to reflect outwardly.

I wrestled with this all week. It was not until I pulled out the stuff to bake yesterday that I let my self go. I relaxed, and found peace with the Spirit filling me, and wanting to use me. It didn’t matter that only 2 of the Cinnamon roles got eaten today at class. I baked and cooked dinner for almost 5 straight hours yesterday and just let my self pray and think about this past week. The simple acts of baking for the guys at DC and preparing a meal for my family, made me understand what it means to act on a Spirit filled life. Just as the cookbook leads me and guides me through the process, so does the teaching of Jesus. I have to be willing to get my hands dirty and work to make the Spirit rise. Jesus can put the yeast into my life, but it will remain dormant if I do not let the Spirit fill me with the living water.

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